Aceasta serie de workshop-uri m-a ajutat sa imi cristalizez mai bine informatiile pe care le aveam deja despre comunicare si mai ales eficienta comunicarii.

Claudia atat ca psiholog cat si ca om de business m-a ajutat sa vad acea imagine completa a comunicarii eficiente, punctand care sunt ariile cu impact, care fac diferenta intre doar a comunica si a comunica eficient.

Depinde de fiecare dintre noi daca vrem doar sa vorbim sau sa stabilim relatii frumoase prin comunicare. Prin informatiile oferite, Claudia m-a facut sa constientizez mai mult ca atunci cand comunic o fac cu toata fiinta mea si nu doar prin deschiderea gurii.

Recomand acest tip de curs celor care doresc sa afle niste trucuri si sfaturi in oceanul de informatii despre comunicare.

Am ales sa merg la cursul Claudiei pentru ca sunt un profesionist exigent si insist mult pe dezvoltarea mea. Am fost placut surpinsa inca din primul seminar, cand mi-am dat seama ca am ales un curs excelent.

Claudia s-a dovedit un formator exceptional, cu o pregatire teoretica si practica foarte solida si vasta in domeniul psihologiei.

Am primit foarte multa informatie utila pentru mine ca om si pentru profesia mea (lucrez in vanzari). Exercitiile m-au ajutat sa descopar lucruri despre mine, si am apreciat mult cum Claudia mi-a oferit sfaturi foarte utile despre cum sa gestionez mai bine respectivele situatii.

Am satisfactia sa constat ca acest curs a adus imbunatatiri in felul in care ma percep pe mine insami si in felul in care interactionez cu ceilalti.

Mi se intampla rareori sa mi se depaseasca asteptarile iar cursul Claudiei a reusit asta cu siguranta!

Consider ca acest curs a fost util, bine structurat, imbinand foarte bine partea practica cu cea teoretica si il recomand oricui isi doreste sa se inteleaga/cunoasca mai bine cat si si pe ceilalti.

Vei realiza la sfarsitul cursului ca banii INVESTITI sunt putini in comparatie cu bagajul de informatii si cunostinte pe care il dobandesti.

Top qualities: Expert, On Time, High Integrity

Claudia created, at our company’s request, a tailored Executive Coaching Programme whose beneficiary I was. I appreciated during our collaboration her professionalism and the fact that she respected the objectives agreed at the beginning of the programme and the deadline. After meeting Claudia I realized that in fact problems don’t exist, everything can be simple, and it’s us who choose how much we want to complicate things. The main objective of the coaching programme was to develop intercultural abilities, to improve leadership skills, efficient communication and presentation skills. Due to our collaboration and the topics discussed and practiced, I succeeded in knowing myself better. This helped me to develop both professionally and personally. I had the chance to know Claudia not only from a professional point of view, but also at a personal level. She is a wonderful person, full of optimism, a person you can rely on, a true friend. I am grateful to her for accompanying me during the process of discovering new perspectives and approaches, which have helped me to develop both personally and professionally. I recommend Claudia as a Career Coach to all who want to discover new perspectives and approaches, to all who want to develop their career.

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity

I had the chance to benefit from Claudia’s services as my career coach. There is only one word to describe how the things went in that period: excellence. Claudia always showed high professionalism, being very well prepared at each meeting we had and being every time very careful to restore and develop my motivation to the the highest levels. The period we worked together was a very interesting journey, during which I rediscovered myself as a whole and also my strongest points. I would recommend Claudia to anyone interested in finding the best job which is fitting his personality and skills.

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert

I had the opportunity of benefiting from Claudia’s experience in career coaching and recruiting. I found the whole process extremely valuable as it helped me to clearly define my career goals and focus on the appropriate actions to attain them.

Due to her well-structured approach I was able to identify my strengths and the things I have to improve. Furthermore, I found the discussions with Claudia quite insightful as she offered me new perspectives on my professional career.

Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, Good Value

“De-a lungul timpului am avut ocazia sa o cunosc pe Claudia atat ca profesionist cat si ca om. Este o persoana care pune pasiune in tot ceea ce face si care nu se opreste pana nu atinge excelenta. Pe parcursul sesiunilor de coaching pe care le-a desfasurat cu mine, m-a ajutat sa fiu constienta de adevarata mea valoare profesionala si sa descopar abilitatile pe care doresc sa le dezvolt pentru a ma adapt cat mai bine contextului actual de business. O recomand pe Claudia pentru profesionalism, implicare si abilitatile sale extraordinare de a lucra cu oamenii.”

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity

“My experience of having Claudia as my career coach was of extreme importance to me. Her capacity of setting career objectives and broader my professional perspectives proved to be a great asset to me. Moreover, her ability to inspire confidence and therefore discover my strong points was truly invaluable. I would recommend her for anyone who finds himself at the start of his professional career.” July 5, 2013

Top qualities: ”Expert, On Time, High Integrity” July 16, 2011

„Claudia completed number of assignments for Oriflame Romania, helping us to recruit middle management and top management. it was a pleasure to work with her. She displayed very professional attitude, actions and comments always to the point; very well structured and disciplined in the process. Some of the assignments were very difficult, however she persisted until successful completion.

I recommend Claudia as a consultant in the area of HR management, carrier development, coaching.

Top qualities: Great Results, On Time, High Integrity.” April 24, 2009

“Claudia was requested to find us a Business Development Manager for a very specific market. Not only she did it on time and in confidentiality, but she was able to deliver the best possible short-list we could have think about.

I am more than satisfied about her services, and I am sure we will work together again. I can only take a great pleasure in recommending the recruitment services she is providing to whom interested.